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Optimal Active Sensing with Process and Measurement Noise

TitleOptimal Active Sensing with Process and Measurement Noise
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference Name2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Date PublishedMay
AuthorsCognetti, M, Salaris, P, P. Giordano, R
Keywordscontinuous Riccati equation, covariance matrices, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, Estimation, estimation algorithm, gradient methods, inversely proportional, Kalman Filter, Kalman filters, largest eigenvalue, maximum estimation uncertainty, measurement noise, mobile robots, noise measurement, nonlinear differentially flat system, nonlinear filters, nonnegligible process noise, observability, observability gramian, OG, onboard sensors, online gradient descent method, optimal active sensing, optimal trajectories, optimisation, path planning, posteriori covariance matrix, Riccati equations, Robot sensing systems, Trajectory, trajectory control, unicycle robot

The goal of this paper is to increase the estimation performance of an Extended Kalman Filter for a nonlinear differentially flat system by planning trajectories able to maximize the amount of information gathered by onboard sensors in presence of both process and measurement noises. In a previous work, we presented an online gradient descent method for planning optimal trajectories along which the smallest eigenvalue of the Observability Gramian (OG) is maximized. As the smallest eigenvalue of the OG is inversely proportional to the maximum estimation uncertainty, its maximization reduces the maximum estimation uncertainty of any estimation algorithm employed during motion. However, the OG does not consider the process noise that, instead, in several applications is far from being negligible. For this reason, this paper proposes a novel solution able to cope with non-negligible process noise: this is achieved by minimizing the largest eigenvalue of the a posteriori covariance matrix obtained by solving the Continuous Riccati Equation as a measure of the total available information. This minimization is expected to maximize the information gathered by the outputs while, at the same time, limiting as much as possible the negative effects of the process noise. We apply our method to a unicycle robot. The comparison between the novel method and the one of our previous work (which did not consider process noise) shows significant improvements in the obtained estimation accuracy.


Shared-autonomy control for intuitive bimanual tele-manipulation

TitleShared-autonomy control for intuitive bimanual tele-manipulation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference Name2018 IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
AuthorsLaghi, M, Maimeri, M, Marchand, M, Leparoux, C, Catalano, M, Ajoudani, A, Bicchi, A

Existing dual-arm teleoperation systems function on one-to-one coupling of the human and robotic arms to fully exploit the user's dexterity during bimanual tele-manipulation. While the individual coordination of the robot end-effectors can be necessary for complex and asymmetric tasks, it may result in a cumbersome user experience during symmetric bimanual tasks (e.g. manipulating and carrying objects). In this paper we propose a novel framework that includes the one-to-one direct control and a new shared autonomy strategy. The user can autonomously choose between the two, and if the new one is selected the robots move in a coordinated way, in which desired positions are extrapolated from the movements and gestures of just one users arm. These gesture commands are interpreted and handled by the control, with the purpose of unloading the users cognitive burden. Lastly, the tele-impedance paradigm, i.e., the remote control of robot impedance and position references, is applied to both controls, to improve remote physical interaction performances. The paper reports on the overall proposed architecture, its implementation and its preliminary validation trough a multi subject experimental campaign.


The softpro project: Synergy-based open-source technologies for prosthetics and rehabilitation

TitleThe softpro project: Synergy-based open-source technologies for prosthetics and rehabilitation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference NameInternational Symposium on Wearable Robotics
AuthorsPiazza, C, Catalano, MG, Bianchi, M, Ricciardi, E, Pratichizzo, D, Haddadin, S, Luft, ARL, Lambercy, O, Gassert, R, Jakubowitz, E, Van Der Kooij, H, Tonis, F, Bonomo, F, de Jonge, B, Ward, T, Zhao, K, Santello, M, Bicchi, A

EEG Processing to Discriminate Transitive-Intransitive Motor Imagery Tasks: Preliminary Evidences using Support Vector Machines

TitleEEG Processing to Discriminate Transitive-Intransitive Motor Imagery Tasks: Preliminary Evidences using Support Vector Machines
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference NameProceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
AuthorsCatrambone, V, Greco, A, Averta, G, Bianchi, M, Vanello, N, Bicchi, A, Valenza, G, Scilingo, EP

EEG Complexity Maps to Characterise Brain Dynamics during Upper Limb Motor Imagery

TitleEEG Complexity Maps to Characterise Brain Dynamics during Upper Limb Motor Imagery
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference Name Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
AuthorsCatambrone, V, Greco, A, Averta, G, Bianchi, M, Bicchi, A, Scilingo, EP, Valenza, G

Design and proof of concept for multi degree of freedom hydrostatically coupled dielectric elastomer actuators with roto-translational kinematics for object handling

TitleDesign and proof of concept for multi degree of freedom hydrostatically coupled dielectric elastomer actuators with roto-translational kinematics for object handling
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDe Acutis, A, Calabrese, L, Bau, A, Tincani, V, Pugno, NM, Bicchi, A, De Rossi, D
JournalSmart Materials and Structures

A Planning and Control System for Self-Driving Racing Vehicles

TitleA Planning and Control System for Self-Driving Racing Vehicles
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference Name2018 IEEE 4th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI)
Date PublishedSept
AuthorsCaporale, D, Fagiolini, A, Pallottino, L, Settimi, A, Biondo, A, Amerotti, F, Massa, F, De Caro, S, Corti, A, Venturini, L
Conference LocationPalermo, Italy

A Game Theoretic Robotic Team Coordination Protocol For Intruder Herding

TitleA Game Theoretic Robotic Team Coordination Protocol For Intruder Herding
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNardi, S, Mazzitelli, F, Pallottino, L
JournalIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Date Published10/2018
Keywordsautonomous agents, Cost function, distributed robot systems, game theory, Games, Protocols, Robot kinematics, Robot sensing systems

Hap-Pro: a wearable haptic device for proprioceptive feedback

TitleHap-Pro: a wearable haptic device for proprioceptive feedback
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsRossi, M, Bianchi, M, Battaglia, E, Catalano, MG, Bicchi, A
JournalIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Keywordshaptic feedback, haptic interfaces, proprioception, Prosthetic hand, Robot sensing systems, Skin, upper extremity prosthesis, Visualization, Wheels

Humanoids at Work: The WALK-MAN Robot in a Postearthquake Scenario

TitleHumanoids at Work: The WALK-MAN Robot in a Postearthquake Scenario
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNegrello, F, Settimi, A, Caporale, D, Lentini, G, Poggiani, M, Kanoulas, D, Muratore, L, Luberto, E, Santaera, G, Ciarleglio, L, Ermini, L, Pallottino, L, Caldwell, DG, Tsagarakis, N, Bicchi, A, Garabini, M, Catalano, MG
JournalIEEE Robotics Automation Magazine
KeywordsBuildings, Earthquakes, Hardware, Legged locomotion, Robot sensing systems, Task analysis

Autonomous 3D exploration of large areas: A cooperative frontier-based approach

TitleAutonomous 3D exploration of large areas: A cooperative frontier-based approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference NameInternational Conference on Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
Edited Volume10756 LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in
AuthorsMannucci, A, Nardi, S, Pallottino, L

Cited By :1


Design of an indoor autonomous robot navigation system for unknown environments

TitleDesign of an indoor autonomous robot navigation system for unknown environments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference NameInternational Conference on Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
Edited Volume10756 LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in
AuthorsSilvestri, L, Pallottino, L, Nardi, S

Cited By :1


WALK-MAN Humanoid Platform

TitleWALK-MAN Humanoid Platform
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTsagarakis, NG, Negrello, F, Garabini, M, Choi, W, Baccelliere, L, Loc, VG, Noorden, J, Catalano, MG, Ferrati, M, Muratore, L, Kryczka, P, E. Hoffman, M, Settimi, A, Rocchi, A, Margan, A, Cordasco, S, Kanoulas, D, Cardellino, A, Natale, L, Dallali, H, Malzahn, J, Kashiri, N, Varricchio, V, Pallottino, L, Pavan, C, Lee, J, A. Ajoudani, Caldwell, DG, Bicchi, A
Book TitleThe DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals: Humanoid Robots To The Rescue
Series VolumeThe DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals: Humanoid Robots To The Rescue

Aerial Co-Manipulation With Cables: The Role of Internal Force for Equilibria, Stability, and Passivity

TitleAerial Co-Manipulation With Cables: The Role of Internal Force for Equilibria, Stability, and Passivity
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTognon, M, Gabellieri, C, Pallottino, L, Franchi, A
JournalIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Date PublishedJuly
KeywordsAdmittance, Aerial systems: mechanics and control, distributed robot systems, Force, mobile manipulation, multi-robot systems, Robot kinematics, Stability criteria, Transportation

Towards Dexterous Manipulation with Augmented Adaptive Synergies: the Pisa/IIT SoftHand 2

TitleTowards Dexterous Manipulation with Augmented Adaptive Synergies: the Pisa/IIT SoftHand 2
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsC. Della Santina,, Piazza, C, Grioli, G, Catalano, MG, Bicchi, A
JournalIEEE Transactions on Robotics
VolumeEarly Access
Date Published06/2018
Type of ArticleRegular Paper
ISSNPrint 1552-3098; Onlline 1941-0468
Other NumbersD.O.I. 10.1109/TRO.2018.2830407

In the recent years, a clear trend towards simplification emerged in the development of robotic hands. The use of soft robotic approaches has been a useful tool in this prospective, enabling complexity reduction by embodying part of grasping intelligence in the hand mechanical structure. Several hand prototypes designed according to such principles have accomplished good results in terms of grasping simplicity, robustness, and reliability. Among them, the Pisa/IIT SoftHand demonstrated the feasibility of a large variety of grasping tasks, by means of only one actuator and an opportunely designed tendon driven differential mechanism. However, the use of a single degree of actuation prevents the execution of more complex tasks, like fine pre-shaping of fingers and in-hand manipulation. While possible in theory, simply doubling the Pisa/IIT SoftHand actuation system has several disadvantages, e.g. in terms of space and mechanical complexity. To overcome these limitations we propose a novel design framework for tendon driven mechanisms, where the main idea is to turn transmission friction from a disturbance into a design tool. In this way the degrees of actuation can be doubled with little additional complexity.

By leveraging on this idea we design a novel robotic hand, the Pisa/IIT SoftHand 2. We present here its design, modeling, control, and experimental validation. The hand demonstrates that by opportunely combining only two degrees of actuation with hand softness, a large variety of grasping and manipulation tasks can be performed only relying on the intelligence embodied in the mechanism. Examples include rotating objects with different shapes, opening a jar, pouring coffee from a glass.

Efficient Walking Gait Generation via Principal Component Representation of Optimal Trajectories: Application to a Planar Biped Robot With Elastic Joints

TitleEfficient Walking Gait Generation via Principal Component Representation of Optimal Trajectories: Application to a Planar Biped Robot With Elastic Joints
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsGasparri, GM, Manara, S, Caporale, D, Averta, G, Bonilla, M, Marino, H, Catalano, MG, Grioli, G, Bianchi, M, Bicchi, A, Garabini, M
JournalIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Recently, the method of choice to exploit robot dynamics for efficient walking is numerical optimization (NO). The main drawback in NO is the computational complexity, which strongly affects the time demand of the solution. Several strategies can be used to make the optimization more treatable and to efficiently describe the solution set. In this letter, we present an algorithm to encode effective walking references, generated offline via numerical optimization, extracting a limited number of principal components and using them as a basis of optimal motions. By combining these components, a good approximation of the optimal gaits can be generated at run time. The advantages of the presented approach are discussed, and an extensive experimental validation is carried out on a planar legged robot with elastic joints. The biped thus controlled is able to start and stop walking on a treadmill, and to control its speed dynamically as the treadmill speed changes.

Systemic and vascular inflammation in an in-vitro model of central obesity

TitleSystemic and vascular inflammation in an in-vitro model of central obesity
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsAhluwalia, A, Misto, A, Vozzi, G, Magliaro, C, Mattei, G, MC, M, AVOGARO, A, Iori, E
JournalPLoS ONE
Date Published02/2018

Metabolic disorders due to over-nutrition are a major global health problem, often associated with obesity and related morbidities. Obesity is peculiar to humans, as it is associated with lifestyle and diet, and so difficult to reproduce in animal models. Here we describe a model of human central adiposity based on a 3-tissue system consisting of a series of interconnected fluidic modules. Given the causal link between obesity and systemic inflammation, we focused primarily on pro-inflammatory markers, examining the similarities and differences between the 3-tissue model and evidence from human studies in the literature. When challenged with high levels of adiposity, the in-vitro system manifests cardiovascular stress through expression of E-selectin and von Willebrand factor as well as systemic inflammation (expressing IL-6 and MCP-1) as observed in humans. Interestingly, most of the responses are dependent on the synergic interaction between adiposity and the presence of multiple tissue types. The set-up has the potential to reduce animal experiments in obesity research and may help unravel specific cellular mechanisms which underlie tissue response to nutritional overload.

Refereed DesignationRefereed

Decentralized Trajectory Tracking Control for Soft Robots Interacting with the Environment

TitleDecentralized Trajectory Tracking Control for Soft Robots Interacting with the Environment
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsAngelini, F, C. Della Santina,, Garabini, M, Bianchi, M, Gasparri, GM, Grioli, G, Catalano, MG, Bicchi, A
JournalIEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO).
VolumeEarly Access
Date Published06/2018

Despite the classic nature of the problem, trajectory

tracking for soft robots, i.e. robots with compliant elements

deliberately introduced in their design, still presents several

challenges. One of these is to design controllers which can

obtain sufficiently high performance while preserving the physical

characteristics intrinsic to soft robots. Indeed, classic control

schemes using high gain feedback actions fundamentally alter the

natural compliance of soft robots effectively stiffening them, thus

de facto defeating their main design purpose. As an alternative

approach, we consider here to use a low-gain feedback, while

exploiting feedforward components. In order to cope with the

complexity and uncertainty of the dynamics, we adopt a decentralized,

iteratively learned feedforward action, combined with

a locally optimal feedback control. The relative authority of the

feedback and feedforward control actions adapts with the degree

of uncertainty of the learned component. The effectiveness of the

method is experimentally verified on several robotic structures

and working conditions, including unexpected interactions with

the environment, where preservation of softness is critical for

safety and robustness.

Refereed DesignationRefereed

Dynamic Control of Soft Robots Interacting with the Environment

TitleDynamic Control of Soft Robots Interacting with the Environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
Conference NameIEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics
Date Published07/2018
AuthorsC. Della Santina,, Katzschmann, RK, Bicchi, A, Rus, D
Conference Location24 - 28 April 2018, Livorno, Italy
Refereed DesignationRefereed

W-FYD: a Wearable Fabric-based Display for Haptic Multi-Cue Delivery and Tactile Augmented Reality

TitleW-FYD: a Wearable Fabric-based Display for Haptic Multi-Cue Delivery and Tactile Augmented Reality
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFani, S, Ciotti, S, Battaglia, E, Moscatelli, A, Bianchi, M
JournalIEEE Transactions on Haptics
Start Page304
Pagination304 - 316
KeywordsHaptics, Robotics

Despite the importance of softness, there is no evidence of wearable haptic systems able to deliver controllable softness cues. Here, we present the Wearable Fabric Yielding Display (W-FYD), a fabric-based display for multi-cue delivery that can be worn on user's finger and enables, for the first time, both active and passive softness exploration. It can also induce a sliding effect under the finger-pad. A given stiffness profile can be obtained by modulating the stretching state of the fabric through two motors. Furthermore, a lifting mechanism allows to put the fabric in contact with the user's finger-pad, to enable passive softness rendering. In this paper, we describe the architecture of W-FYD, and a thorough characterization of its stiffness workspace, frequency response and softness rendering capabilities. We also computed device Just Noticeable Difference in both active and passive exploratory conditions, for linear and non-linear stiffness rendering as well as for sliding direction perception. The effect of device weight was also considered. Furthermore, performance of participants and their subjective quantitative evaluation in detecting sliding direction and softness discrimination tasks are reported. Finally, applications of W-FYD in tactile augmented reality for open palpation are discussed, opening interesting perspectives in many fields of human-machine interaction.

Refereed DesignationRefereed