Chiara Magliaro

Assistant Professor

Chiara got her PhD with honors in 2016. For the high quality of her work, she also got the certification for the European Doctorate (Doctor Europaeus).

She won for two years  the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Post-Doctoral Fellowship, in 2018 and 2019. Actually, she is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Onformation Engineering and an affiliate researcher at the Research Center "E. Piaggio".


Main research focus:

1. Development of open-source imaging methods for tissue processing, single neuron segmentation and 3D morphometric extraction from confocal/two-photon datasets representing densely-packed neurons in their native arrangement within the brain. The quantitative morphological analysis of the micro-structure could be useful to better understand the structure-function relationship within the brain. In particular, the algorithms she developed was used to study sexual dimorphism in murine models of autism and to unravel human claustral micro-architecture. Recently, she is adapting the algorithms she developed for single-cell 3D reconstruction and 3D morphometric extraction, to map human brain organoids micro-structure.

2. Oxygen and metabolism measurements in vitro and allometric scaling. The real-time monitoring of cellular behaviour in in vitro constructs at different complexity (from traditional monolayers, up to organoids) is crucial for defining quantitative metrics for determining the physiological relevance of engineered constructs.


Tesi LM e Triennale disponibili 


Co-coordinator of the Human Brain Project Partnering project SENSEI.

Advisor at the Simply Neuroscience APAP Program.

Research Topic "Deciphering the Anatomical and Functional Connectome"

Scholar     Scopus    


Research Center "E. Piaggio" - University of Pisa
Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 1
56122 Pisa, Italy

Phone: +39 050 2217 073