Whether for desire for knowledge or necessity, the human beingstillventuresinto the submerged world everydaydespite the hostile nature of the underwaterenvironment, puttinghimatunavoidablerisk and facing high costs
WiMUST (Widely scalable Mobile Underwater Sonar Technology) aims at conceiving and designing an intelligent team of cooperative autonomous marine robots, acting as intelligent sensing and communicating nodes of a reconfigurable moving acoustic network, that could drastically improve the efficacy of the methodologies used to perform geophysical and geotechnical acoustic surveys at sea.
Soft Manipulation (SOMA) is the key for the development of simple, compliant, yet strong, robust, and easy-to-program manipulation systems. SOMA explores a new avenue of robotic manipulation, exploiting the physical constraints imposed by the environment to enable robust grasping and manipulation in dynamic, open, and highly variable contexts.
01.10.2006 — 30.09.2009. PHRIENDS is about developing key components of the next generation of robots, including industrial robots and assist devices (which include robots for the emerging market of non-industrial applications, e.g. for service, health-care, and entertainment), designed to share the environment and to physically interact with people.
01.02.2009 - 31.01.2012. Viactors project aims at developing and exploiting actuation technologies for a new generation of robots that can co-exist and co-operate with people and get much closer to the human manipulation and locomotion performance than today’s robots do. At the same time these robots are expected to be safe, in the sense that interacting with them should not constitute a higher injury risk to humans than the interaction with another cautious human.
Il progetto SAFE QUARRY si inserisce nella categoria “Sistemi e distretti produttivi tipici” promosso dalla Regione Toscana ed è finalizzato ad introdurre tecnologie di monitoraggio innovative a supporto del distretto lapideo con lo scopo di aumentare e migliorare l’attività estrattiva. La tecnologia di monitoraggio in via di sviluppo nel corso di progetto è orientata ad automatizzare ed aumentare le operazioni di controllo del sottosuolo, e le relative attività di analisi ed interpretazione dei dati, con una conseguente necessità di personale altamente qualificato.